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During your first visit to our office, you will be asked to fill out a health history form. One of our doctors will meet with you and discuss your health history.
Next, you will be given a series of tests which include thorough chiropractic orthopedic and neurological examination, a complete set of x-rays, and a thermographic scan of your neck on the Tytron infrared scanner.
The Blair technique uses one of the most advanced x-ray studies of the neck in all of chiropractic or medicine. This series of x-rays allows our doctors to analyze the joints of the neck in great detail. Each adjustment is tailored with the precise analysis gathered from these x-rays.
The Tyron scanner is a state-of-the-art heat-sensing device that actually monitors changes in your autonomic nervous system. A preliminary reading is taken to establish your subluxation pattern. For subsequent spinal checkups after the first adjustment, the readings indicate whether your spine is getting better or worse. Future adjustments are made only when the original pattern returns, not according to symptoms.
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Our doctors will go over all of your x-rays and examination findings with you. He will discuss his approach to your spine and will suggest a course of care specifically suited to you. You will receive your first spinal correction at this time. He will monitor and advise you over a series of visits tailored to your needs. He will also discuss what you can do to support your progress.
We take a complete series of cervical (neck) x-rays on all patients. The Blair cervical series is taken with measurements for these films originating from the first series of x-rays. One of Dr. Blair's greatest discoveries was the fact that spinal misalignments take place in the joints as opposed to the entire segment displacing. This led to a special x-ray series called articular or Blair x-rays. These films are taken directly down the joints at the base of the skull through the sinuses. An exact misalignment can be gleaned from these films that allow the Chiropractor to measure the size and shape of the subluxation.
Three-dimensional x-rays allow the Chiropractor to view the joints individually and make it possible to custom-tailor the adjustment to fit the angles of the cervical joint. Chiropractic adjustments can now be delivered with little or no pain to the patient.
Dr. William Blair made a life-long study of a way to Upper Cervical Chiropractic more effective. After analyzing thousands of spines on x-ray, he found that vertebra are not formed symmetrically. His goal was to eliminate the errors asymmetry introduced into the analysis. He developed a specific x-ray procedure and analysis that would study the asymmetry. The information gained through the new, specialized views provided the keys necessary to develop adjustments tailored to the individual because the x-rays formed a blueprint of the vertebral motion in that person.
A very specific adjustment can now be made based on this research and its results. The value to the patient is that the restructuring of the spine is under the body's own direction. The adjustment is gentle, uniquely tailored to the individual misalignment, allowing for even the largest of misalignments to be corrected with little or no discomfort, and be far more effective.
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People that have not experienced Upper Cervical care may think that when their symptoms disappear there is no further need for Chiropractic care. This belief is far from true. We know from study and experience that the correct position of your vertebrae must be kept until the bones will be supported in place by ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Only when the spine is holding the alignment can change take place in the spine. Repair to abnormal spinal curves which can be seen on x-ray comes from maintaining the alignment.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic is so effective symptoms may change rapidly while permanent repair to abnormal spinal curves does take time. Our doctors will advise a course of care that is individual, based on what is seen on the x-ray and the case history of the patient. Continuing care is based on the patient's ability to maintain the correct alignment over time. Follow-up re-examinations and re-x-ray will chart improvements and contribute to the course of future care. As things improve the frequency of check-ups and corrections will decrease until wellness care is suggested.
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